Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1. Why does Rifka have ill feelings towards Ilya when she first meets him at the dining hall? (p. 100)

2. What is a greenhorn? How does Karen Hesse explain it? (Find text evidence!)

*Note: Make sure you add details to explain your answers from the text or our classroom discussions!

** Note: Don't forget to post your initials and number after you have answered the question!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pp. 81-96

1. After the storm at sea, what does Rifka mean when she says, "Tovah, suddenly I feel how defenseless we are-not just Jews, all of us."

2. From pages 81-88 (the storm scene) Karen Hesse uses many author craft techniques. Find and identify three DIFFERENT author craft techniques and QUOTE THEM WITH PAGE NUMBERS!

3. Why is the American government possibly viewing Rifka as a social responsibility? Make sure you explain what a social responsibility is. What does this say about American society in the 1920s? (Re-read pages 95-96)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

pp. 51-70

1. Why is Rifka's cousin Hannah given piano lessons even when she is terrible at playing the piano, while Tovah is musically talented and is NOT given piano lessons? What does this say about society in Russia in the early 1900's? Support your answer with text evidence or from our discussion in class today.

2. Why does Rifka kiss the hand of the milkman? Give text evidence.

3. During her stay in Antwerp, Belgium, Rifka starts to enjoy the city. Give three examples why she thinks, "Antwerp is a wonderful city." (p. 66)

GOOD LUCK and remember to sign your initials and number at the end of your blog entry!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pages 33-50

1. Why does Rifka's mother not want Rifka to read Pushkin?

2. When Rifka learns she has ringworm and cannot travel with her family to America she wants to go back to Berdichev, Russia. Why can she NOT go back to Berdichev?(Find text evidence)

3. How is Warsaw, Poland different from Berdichev, Russia? (Give text evidence and TWO EXAMPLES of differences)

4. Why do you think Karen Hesse wrote the scene about the old man and the oranges. Make sure you support your opinion. (pp. 44-45)

*Reminder: Do not forget to put your initials and number or you will not be given credit for this homework assignment!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pp. 17-32

Pages 17-32
1. In the pages 17-32 there are many author craft techniques used by Karen Hesse. Name three different types of author craft and give examples with page numbers.

2. What are some of the symptoms of typhus?

3. Why did Rifka write that Russia was not as bad for Tovah’s family as it was for her family? How can one place be different for different people?

4. Rifka lived with Saul when her parents were in the hospital. How did her feelings about Saul change?

*Reminder: Make sure to end or begin your blog with your initials and number (e.g. tfd #11)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Pages 1-15

1. In Chapter 1, the author Karen Hesse illustrates how poorly the Jews are treated in Berdichev, Russia in the early 1900's. Scan through Chapter 1 and find at least two examples within the text that demonstrate the poor treatment of the Jews. Give page numbers for your text evidence.

2. Why is Rifka used as the decoy or the one to distract the soldiers? Give two examples!

*Reminder: Make sure to end your blog with your initials and number
(example: tfd #11)